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All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. 

• Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subject teachers should highlight the relevance of STEM subjects for a wide range of
  future career paths. 

• By the age of 14, every student has had the opportunity to learn how the different STEM subjects help people to gain entry to a wide range of careers. 

• All subject teachers emphasise the importance of succeeding in English and maths. 

Some ideas to engage your classes with careers are as follows: 

 Show a short video clip as a starter activity using the resources on careersbox / icould / firstcareers or BBC bitesize careers to show the relevance of
    lessons for possible future careers 

 Discuss careers linked to specific parts of your curriculum —use this website to help you https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/explore-careers 

 Set a homework task to research different careers related to your subject. 

 Browse and use these careers lesson inserts 

 Use this resource booklet for inspiring ideas 

 Utilise STEM careers resources— https://www.stem.org.uk/resources 

 Take into account growth industries in the Liverpool City Region—https://growthplatform.org/sectors/ 

Request support from your Careers Leader or Enterprise Coordinator (julie.jones@growthplatform.org) to bring in a guest speaker to talk to students about careers or to deliver part of a lesson. Request employer support using the STEM Ambassador Programme or Inspiring the Future website. 

Take a look at the Gatsby Benchmark 4 Toolkit 

Read the Careers in the Curriculum ‘What works’ report 

Visit the Forum Talent Potential website to view case studies about employer-linked curriculum projects