“Our school delivers a curriculum which offers a structured, yet more flexible timetable with innovative teaching styles used to support students’ individual needs at this point in their educational development”
The schools overarching objective at Key Stage 3 is to secure a successful return to mainstream education for all pupils. While at Key Stage 4 it is to equip the pupils with the skills, knowledge and experience to make a successful transition into post 16 life.
To achieve these objectives the school focuses it programmes on improving:
- Behaviour
- Attendance
- Attitude
- Self-confidence
At Key Stage 3 learning focusses on literacy, numeracy, PSHE and ICT, supplemented by technology, ART, outdoor education, science, music and integrated humanities.
At Key Stage 4 we programmes offer both academically focused subjects such including GCSE’s in English, Mathematics and Science, alongside vocational qualifications, up to Level 2 in construction, motor vehicle maintenance, hair and beauty, sport & leisure, employability, PSD, health & social care, bike maintenance, life skills and Outdoor Education including the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Careers advice and guidance is provided through U-Explore and work experience. In addition to the use of Quality Assured Providers we offer opportunities for our learners, and those on engagement programmes to enrol in the newly developed Unit 37 Vocational Centre that will deliver vocational training from September 2018.
Built in to the curriculum is learning time off site, and time to address personal and social skills such as independence and interacting with others. Each child has a ‘Learner Passport’ with personalised targets that are written in conjunction with the learners’ keyworker. Learners receive 1:1 keyworker support and a bespoke development programme to enable the young person to move to their long term educational placement.
The statutory assessment process may be a part of the graduated approach for some learners. For these young people in our care, some may transfer to identified schools that will better meet the long term needs of the individual.
All young people will receive a planned programme of support and a transition package to their new school placement.
Nurture Groups
Nurture groups are founded on evidence-based practices and offer a short-term, inclusive, focused intervention that works in the long term. We place great emphasis on language development and communication. Nothing is taken for granted and everything is explained, supported by role modelling, demonstration and the use of gesture as appropriate. The relationship between the child and staff is always nurturing and supportive, providing a role model that children observe and begin to copy.
Our nurture classrooms have kitchen areas, and food is prepared and shared at ‘breakfast’ or ‘snack time’ with much opportunity for social learning, helping children to attend to the needs of others, with time to listen and be listened to. As the children learn academically and socially they develop confidence, become responsive to others, learn self-respect and take pride in behaving well and in achieving.
The six principles of our nurture group classrooms are:
- Children’s learning is understood developmentally
- The classroom offers a safe base
- The importance of nurture for the development of wellbeing
- Language is a vital means of communication
- All behaviour is communication
- The importance of transition in children’s lives
For more about the curriculum, use the contact us form , or contact: Louise Ambler (Deputy Headteacher) on 01928-581301.