Key Stage 4
Our intent for Science is for students to be inquisitive in their learning we encourage learners to explore confidently in order to develop and deepen their understanding of the world in which they live and their own bodies in order to lead progressively more healthy lives.
The KS4 Science Curriculum aspires to allow opportunities for all to gain a GCSE outcome in AQA Biology. Students have access to 3 x 45 minutes lessons per week (Y11) or 2 45 minutes lessons per week (Y10).
Areas covered within KS4 include:
- Cell biology: structure, division and transport in cells.
- Organisation: animal organisation (gaseous exchange systems, digestion and transport systems), plant organisation and non-communicable diseases.
- Infection and response: communicable diseases, treating, curing and preventing disease and plant disease.
- Bioenergetics: photosynthesis and respiration.
- Homeostasis: co-ordination and control (nervous system and endocrine system), hormones in human reproduction, homeostasis in humans and plant hormones.
- Inheritance, variation and evolution: reproduction, the genome and gene expression, genetic inheritance, variation, evolution and classification of living organisms.
- Ecology: Adaption, interdependence and competition, ecosystems, decomposition, biodiversity and food production.
GCSE AQA Biology Syllabus
BBC Bitesize