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Specialist SEND provision

The Bridge School is a pupil referral unit for young people with SEMH difficulties. All learners are coded at school support (K) on the SEND Register. Students with an Education, Health Care Plan are coded as E. Provision for learners at The Bridge School with additional special educational needs and/or disability is the responsibility of the school as a whole with specialist guidance from the SENCO, the Headteacher and management committee. All teaching staff are teachers of pupils with special educational needs. At The Bridge School, we adopt a graduated response with quality first teaching to meet special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Statutory Assessment

Where a request for a statutory assessment is made by the school to the LA, the pupil will have demonstrated significant cause for concern. The LA requires information about the pupil’s progress over time and how their additional needs have impacted on learning. It is important that the school has followed a graduated response, and involved other professionals including an Educational Psychologist, before requesting the LA to consider an Education, Health Care Plan (EHCP). On gaining an EHCP, some of our learners move to specialist settings that are more appropriate for supporting the needs of the young person. Transitions, to mainstream schools or special schools are fully planned and supported by the child’s keyworker.

Identification and review of pupil needs

All learners at The Bridge School have displayed SEMH difficulties before referral. However, early identification of pupils with additional SEND is a crucial factor in overcoming barriers to learning.
At The Bridge School we use a number of additional indicators to identify learners’ special educational needs. Such as:

• Close analysis of attainment data
• Teacher or support staff concerns
• Parental concerns
• EP consultation
• Information from other professionals
• Induction baseline testing in English, maths and SEMH needs
• NFER reading and Vernon spelling tests
• Reading Plus
• G&L SpLD Screener
• Boxall Profile
• Readiness Scale
• Tracking individual learner progress over time
• Liaison with schools on transfer and at transition

These assist the SENCO, teachers and support staff to:

• Provide starting points for the development of an adapted and appropriate curriculum that meets the pupil’s needs
• Support the learner within the classroom environment
• Continually assess pupils to identify strengths and areas for development
• Provide regular feedback about the pupil’s achievements and experiences to form the basis for planning the next steps
• Inform on-going observation and assessment of each student
• Involve parents/carers in supporting learners at school and at home

Working in partnership with parents/carers

At all stages of the SEND process, the school keeps parents/carers fully informed and involved. Regular meetings are scheduled to share the progress of the learner with parents/carers and take account of their views. It is hoped that this will assist in supporting students to reach their full potential. Parents/carers are encouraged to make a full and active contribution to their child’s education.